Luxury Cigar Accessories

    We have the widest selection of luxury cigar accessories in London,
    from brands such as S.T. Dupont, Elie Bleu and White Spot to Davidoff,to name a few.

    Visit our department to find stunning handcrafted pieces such as S.T. Dupont’s Haute Creation lighters, limited edition humidors from Elie Bleu and Davidoff, stunning Limited Edition pipes from Dunhill’s White Spot division, and, a variety of cutters, ashtrays and other cigar accessories that is certain to satisfy any cigar cutting, lighting or storing preference.



    Famous for his confidence, Colibri's founder Julius Lowenthal started out with a vision that would transform the world of cigars and launched an international brand in 1928. Today the Colibri renaissance brings you the same classic styling and engineering leadership alongside superb modern functionality. Colibri offers three series, each of which echoes the timeless moods of man: geuine, effortless confidence in all its forms.

    Luxury Cigar Accessories

    We have the widest selection of luxury cigar accessories in London, from brands such as S.T. Dupont, Elie Bleu and White Spot to Davidoff,to name a few. Visit our department to find stunning handcrafted pieces such as S.T. Dupont’s Haute Creation lighters, limited edition humidors from Elie Bleu and Davidoff, stunning Limited Edition pipes from Dunhill’s White Spot division, and, a variety of cutters, ashtrays and other cigar accessories that is certain to satisfy any cigar cutting, lighting or storing preference.
    • Colibri SV Cut Black and Matt Black

    • Colibri SV Cut Chrome and Black

    • Colibri SV Cut Chrome and Rose Gold

    • Colibri SV Cut Gunmetal

    • Colibri V-Cut (Carbon Fibre Print) Blue Carbon Fibre

    • Colibri V-Cut (Carbon Fibre Print) Red Carbon Fibre

    • Colibri V-Cut (Carbon Fibre Print) Silver Carbon Fibre