Sir Winston Churchill’s favourite cigar retailer, UK cigar institution James J Fox, started welcoming cigar connoisseurs to Harrods in 1983.
Thirty five years later, James J Fox joined forces with the most prestigious name in the world of cigars globally, La Casa del Habanos, marking a new benchmark for excellence in the cigar world and reinforcing the reputation of Harrods cigar department as the ultimate cigar destination in London.
James J Fox have been trading in fine tobacco and smokers’ accessories for over 230 years.
Although James J Fox cigar business started in Dublin in 1881, the company’s family tree can be traced to 1787 thanks to the acquisition of London’s oldest tobacco merchant, Robert Lewis, in 1992.
Across the two centuries, the company had the honour of serving Kings and Queens, and, some of the most renowned names of the times, including, to name a few, Napoleon III, Oscar Wilde, the founder of Wimbledon championship, Major Walter Clopton Wingfield, and, Sir Winston Churchill who remained a loyal customer to his favourite cigar merchant for over sixty years.
For services to the British Royal Family, the company received seven Royal Warrants. The first, in 1884, from Queen Victoria’s son Alfred, The Duke of Edinburgh, to the latest, granted in 1997 by her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother.
Sir Winston Churchill’s favorite cigar retailer, UK cigar institution James J Fox, started welcoming cigar connoisseurs to Harrods in 1983.